Under this program area, C4P focusses to advocate for inclusion and engagement of women, youth and persons abled differently in the development of Kenya. It is also geared towards exposing the special interest groups to economic empowerment programs as follows:
Involves, skilling, training, digital exposure, mentorship, talents promotions, linkages to financing and opportunities and placements to jobs or in incubation.
Youth and Disability Inclusion or mainstreaming policies and laws developed at county levels and actualization
Advocacy for Women, Youth and Disability Centric budgeting in Counties and National government.
Conduct and publish research on women, youth, and Disability trends and related agenda.
This is to encourage youth to exercise their civic rights including embracing devolution, ethics and values and participating the governance system and process in Kenya.
This will focus on organizing outreach Behavior Change initiatives targeting University/college students with life skills mentorship packages/ clinics as they prepare to get to the world of work.
Youth and women empowerment is a catalyst for inclusive and sustainable development, driving progress towards the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the realization of a more equitable and prosperous future for all. By investing in the empowerment of these demographic groups Change for Planet, wishes to build stronger, more resilient societies that leave no one behind.
Background of Kio-OngoZi Project
The word or phrase Kio-OngoZi is symbolic of the Swahili word “Kiongozi” which means a Leader in English. The word is creatively coined to have three meanings: Kio- a Swahili word meaning “mirror”, Ongozi meaning to Lead and Zi, meaning the Youth who are our present Generation Z. Through this project, we appreciate that our leaders mirror us and our We acknowledge that the generation Z must be responsible and take lead as stakeholders in ensuring we have leaders who mirror our actions, desires and goals.
The objectives