Climate Action & Agriculture

  • Building Capacity for Climate Change Adaptation and Behavior change for climate change Mitigation
  • Embracing Climate-Smart Agriculture Technologies
  • Championing Forest Management and Afforestation
  • Promoting Green and Blue Economies for Employment
  • Championing the Uptake of Renewable Energy
  • Advocacy for climate responsive climate change policies and laws

Our Approach

Addressing climate change requires a multifaceted approach that combines mitigation efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and adaptation strategies to cope with the impacts of climate change that are already occurring or are expected to occur in the future.

Women, Youth & Disability Inclusion

  • Education and Skill Development
  • Training and capacity building
  • Entrepreneurship Development
  • Leadership Training
  • Interventions on Gender Equity
  • Facilitate networking opportunities and mentorship programs

Our Approach

Empowering youth and women is crucial for achieving sustainable development and addressing various social, economic, and environmental challenges. Change for Planet adopts the following approaches in empowering youth and women.

Governance, Peace & Security

  • Aims to address economic, social, and political root causes of violence.
  • Focuses on fostering reconciliation to prevent the recurrence of structural and direct violence in communities and countries that have experienced conflicts.
  • Resettlement, integration and where applicable repatriation.
  • Prevention and interventions in Gender Based Violence.
  • Mediation and negotiation in Conflict.
  • Prevention and countering violent Extremism
  • Conflict early warning early response.
  • Civic education and engagement activities.
  • Policy advocacy, monitoring of policy implementation and oversight.

Our Approach

As an impartial and independent organization, Change for Planet foundation seeks to bring all parties together to foster trust, resolve differences, end violence and achieve inclusive, sustainable peace agreements. Using networks built up over many years, the foundation engages creatively with political actors, armed groups and other influential parties at international, inter-state, country and local levels. At the same time, we support communities and marginalized groups to play active roles in peace processes and the resolution of conflicts affecting them.

Research, Documentation, and Knowledge Management:

  • Research Excellence.
  • Knowledge Hub Establishment and Development.
  • Encourage a Knowledge-Sharing Culture.
  • Establish and adhere to standardized documentation processes to ensure consistency and accessibility of information.
  • Cross-Functional Collaboration.
  • Cross functional and External Collaboration with external partners, academic institutions, and research organizations to expand the scope of research activities.

Enhanced understanding of complex challenges and effective solutions.
Improved capacity for evidence-based decision-making, policy formulation, and program design.
Continuous monitoring and evaluation mechanisms will be employed to assess progress, measure outcomes, and adapt strategies as needed.
Learning from successes and challenges will inform adaptive management, ensuring that our interventions remain responsive and effective in addressing evolving needs and contexts.