About Us
Change for Planet Foundation, (C4P) is a national non-governmental organization registered in Kenya. We are dedicated to transforming communities through behavior change approaches towards sustainable living and development. We believe in our 4Ps focus: Planet first, then People, then Peace for Progress hence our slogan; Planet! People! Peace! for Progress!

Our interventions contribute directly towards reaching Sustainable Development Goals: SDGs 1- No poverty, 2.-Zero hunger 5- Gender equality. 6-Clean water and sanitation 7- Affordable and clean energy 8-Decent work and economic growth 9-Industry, innovation and infrastructure 10- Reduced inequalities 11-Sustainable cities and communities 12.-Responsible consumption and production 13-Climate action, 14-Life below water, 15- Life on land 16- Peace, justice and strong institutions’ and 17- Partnership for the goals


To transform communities through behavior change approaches towards sustainable living and development.


A Restored Planet Earth.

Geographical Coverage

Headquartered in Nairobi and with presence in Nakuru, Turkana, Kisumu, Migori, Bungoma, Vihiga, Kakamega, Siaya, Mombasa Kilifi, Kwale, Tana River, Homabay, Baringo, Isiolo, Marsabit, Samburu, Kajiado , Uasin-Gishu and Nandi counties.

We have the power today to change tomorrow

Our Philosophy

Planet first, then People, then Peace for a Progressive society. (4Ps)

Core Values

  1. Empowerment: We believe in empowering individuals and communities to realize their full potential, promoting equality, inclusion, and dignity for all.
  2. Innovation: We embrace innovation and creativity in addressing complex challenges, striving for impactful solutions that drive positive change.
  3. Collaboration: We value collaboration and partnership, recognizing the strength of collective action and the importance of working together towards common goals.
  4. Resilience: We advocate for resilience-building efforts that enable communities to adapt and thrive in the face of adversity, including the impacts of climate change and conflict.
  5. Sustainability: We promote sustainable practices and approaches that safeguard the environment, preserve natural resources, and ensure the well-being of future generations.
  6. Accountability: We hold ourselves accountable for our actions and decisions, committed to delivering results with transparency and accountability to our stakeholders.

Message from our Executive Director.

World over, every day, nature and our Planet Earth is speaking and crying out to us. It is seeking our attention and intervention to the pressure meted on it. All we are witnessing from climate change, human wildlife conflicts, human land conflicts, droughts, hunger, mental health challenges, political conflicts, to radicalization of young people are but a communication from nature.

In as much as there are efforts to address the challenges emanating from the pressure on the Planet, we need to tackle the real problem. The problem is our software as habitats, our attitude. We must therefore endeavor to begin changing behavior to embracing sustainable attitudes cum behavior change towards the Planet.

Through Change for Planet Foundation, by our rallying call “Planet, People, Peace for Progress”, we are calling on the World to change for Planet Earth through our three program areas:
1. Climate Action and Agriculture.
2. Women, Youth and Disability Inclusion.
3. Governance, Peace and Security.

We believe that we can achieve sustainable development through an integrated approach by leaving no one behind at all levels of our interventions.

We look forward to partnering with you for a better Planet for us and the future.